• Motor Vehicle Accident Re-enactment

    • Application: Forensic Litigation MVA

    • 4D Motion created a photorealistic rendition of a motor vehicle accident in which a motorcyclist suffered severe injuries as a result of a side impact. Seemingly a cut and dry case, our animation reconciled multiple witness testimonies as well as the official police report to clarify our client's position of what had occurred.

    • Our focus was to make digital 're-creation' with CGI doubles for the vehicles and witnesses who were on the scene at the time of the accident. Real video footage of the accident location was used with the CG elements composited into each shot.

      By carefully sifting through the various reports and statements, 4D motion was able to recreate what happened in a way that was easily understood by potential jurors.

      As a result of the animations, the original case was settled at mediation.